My web hosting company, DreamHost, has a way with words (though not with spell-checking). The following is an excerpt from their answer to the question, “What is bandwidth?”
If the Internet were a giant sewer, it would be composed of giant pipes and smaller pipes, forming a giant grid underneath the city. Those whose computers are connected with modems would be water faucets and kitchen sinks. Those with cable modems or ADSL would be about the same as a swimming pool. DreamHost (that’d be us!) is pretty much the equivelent [sic] of a nice large resevoir [sic] holding thousands of gallons of water, ready to be shipped to the sinks and pools of the city.
From the resevoir [sic] flows great amounts of water to the citizens of this great city of web pages and streaming audio. How does it get around? Pipes. Big pipes, small pipes. Lots of pipes.
They never do get around to explaining when and where a bunch of shit is added to the water.