Toxins kill salmon, but it’s not your problem

An article in The Seattle Times covers research that finds toxic runoff from roads kills salmon. The only solution discussed is filtering the runoff through soil, which would poison the soil rather than fish. The author neglects to ask any questions about the source of the toxins, or whether all of us should address our culpability in a system that is causing this problem.

This is a classic Seattle Times story – ostensibly showing concern for the environment, but not addressing relevant issues that might disrupt the status quo.

Switch To A Better World

Making the rounds these days is a recommendation to dump AAA and switch to A Better World for your roadside assistance insurance.
A Better World promises:

We are the only roadside assistance and travel club that strives to balance your transportation needs with your desire to protect the environment. We advocate on behalf of the consumer and the environment by donating an amount equal to 1% of annual revenues toward environmental clean-up efforts and by providing unique eco-friendly travel alternatives.

Where Do All Those Old Computers Go?

BBC has a photo essay on Chinese workshops that recycle old computer parts from the west. Long hours and low pay are involved, of course, but there is also the problem of toxins. We rarely think of our computers as anything other than high-tech wonders. But lead, cadmium, chromium and mercury are all poisonous metals commonly found in computers, and these toxic metals — and more — are causing health problems among those who handle them.

For more information: Report criticizes IT industry on hardware recycling