Recall President Bartlet?

Should celebrities speak their minds? Of course, even though many of them end up sounding as intelligent as a cube of butter, and use the wrong forums in which to express their views.
Then there are those like Martin Sheen who have a long and distinguished record of passionate and thoughful activism. It’s no surprise really that he’s now getting pressure to keep his mouth shut.
The New McCarthyism
Sunday Herald

Goodbye Peace And Prosperity

In January 2001, as the President-elect prepared to assume office, The Onion perfectly captured the future of America under the leadership of George W. Bush:
Bush: ‘Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over’
The Onion

Bush also promised to bring an end to the severe war drought that plagued the nation under Clinton, assuring citizens that the U.S. will engage in at least one Gulf War-level armed conflict in the next four years.
“You better believe we’re going to mix it up with somebody at some point during my administration,” said Bush, who plans a 250 percent boost in military spending. “Unlike my predecessor, I am fully committed to putting soldiers in battle situations. Otherwise, what is the point of even having a military?”
On the economic side, Bush vowed to bring back economic stagnation by implementing substantial tax cuts, which would lead to a recession, which would necessitate a tax hike, which would lead to a drop in consumer spending, which would lead to layoffs, which would deepen the recession even further.

(Thanks for the link, Summer!)

Deliberative Polling

Joi Ito talks about deliberative polling, which tries to overcome the drawbacks of the type of polling currently practiced (whereby uninformed citizens are asked to give “shoot-from-the-hip” opinions, upon which government policy is then often based).

Larry [Lessig] pointed out some interesting work called deliberative polling being done by Professor James S. Fishkin. Since polling forces people to vote on something they don’t really know too much [about], the data may be statistically accurate, but is not necessarily the best way to promote a democratic system. Deliberative polling takes a diverse group of people, forces them to discuss the issues in small group, in large groups, small groups, over and over again for a fairly lengthy process until everyone has a pretty good idea of the issues and a balanced and educated position. Polls are conducted through the process to track how people’s opinions change. Afterwards, many of the people who have participated become much more active citizens.

This brings up interesting questions, among them whether democracy includes a citizen’s option to be lazy and uninformed. In America (and many other countries), it certainly does. But is this the best form of democracy? A strong and healthy democracy should at least provide options and structures that encourage a more active and involved population.
I’m reminded of an old Bloom County cartoon about polling that, if I had my collection here in Japan, I’d track down, scan and post along with these comments.
More on deliberative polling.

‘Dirty Tricks’ Campaign

Have you heard about the latest effort by the U.S. government to use reason and logic to convince the world that a war against Iraq is just and necessary?
Reason and logic? That’s for wimps! President Bush and his team of stellar diplomats have more effective means of convincing others to follow America’s lead.
Bribery and threats have been favorite tactics so far. Now, an intensive campaign to spy on diplomats from countries who are either opposed to or undecided about supporting war against Iraq is the latest example of the Bush administration’s clumsy and arrogant foreign policy. It’s astonishing how quickly Bush is squandering any remaining goodwill towards America.
US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war
The Observer

The United States is conducting a secret ‘dirty tricks’ campaign against UN Security Council delegations in New York as part of its battle to win votes in favour of war against Iraq.
Details of the aggressive surveillance operation, which involves interception of the home and office telephones and the emails of UN delegates in New York, are revealed in a document leaked to The Observer.
The disclosures were made in a memorandum written by a top official at the National Security Agency — the US body which intercepts communications around the world — and circulated to both senior agents in his organisation and to a friendly foreign intelligence agency asking for its input.

No Comment From U.S. on ‘Dirty Tricks’ Report
Uncle Sam’s dirty tricks?
Countries, even allies, routinely spy on each other — nothing new there. But when you add something like this to a long list of recent American actions that show a rough disdain for the opinions and policies of other nations, it just ends up feeding the perception of a new, arrogant, bullying America.
After September 11, 2001, Bush told the world that “you’re either with us, or against us.” He’s certainly working hard to provide plenty of reasons to be against us.
This is big news around the world — everywhere but in America, apparently. It doesn’t seem to qualify as important news at major media organizations in the U.S.

Bush Speech, Nothing New

KCRW today interrupted NPR’s All Things Considered to air a live speech by President Bush at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, where he was to be giving a “major speech on American foreign policy.” Unfortunately, when they switched over to the sound of applause from the event, a gentleman’s voice asked the audience to remain standing “for the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Attorney General John Ashcroft.” KCRW quickly switched back to NPR’s programming, saying they’d go back to the speech once it actually started. One can only hope Ashcroft choked on the “with liberty and justice for all” section of the Pledge.
Listening now to Bush’s speech, and reading pre-released excerpts on the web, it appears this is the beginning of yet another shift in emphasis in the Bush administration’s ongoing efforts to convince Americans that a war against Iraq is necessary. Saddam’s purported ties to Osama bin Laden are so last week. Now it’s time to talk again about how America has a moral obligation to liberate the Iraqis because they live under an oppressive regime. It’s all about liberty and democracy, don’t you know?

Be Very, Very Afraid

I can’t decide whether to laugh or cry about how pathetically easy it is to mock the U.S. government’s new web site.
The site, created by the Department of Homeland Security, offers tips to help Americans prepare for the terrorist attacks that are expected ANY DAY NOW!
Apparently, (and, to paraphrase Johnny Carson: I did not know this) you should move away from a nuclear blast.
In an effort to be a good citizen, I added some additional text to the original (see orange text above) that should clear up any misunderstandings. also helpfully informs us that there is less radiation the further you move away from the epicenter of a “dirty bomb” blast. Please, for the love of god, stay as far away from these bomb targets as possible (The only target currently listed on the web site is Austin, TX, but I’m sure that’s just a temporary oversight and more target information will soon be added.). Also, you should minimize time spent frolicking in radiation.

Random Links

Domo Darko. Starring Domo-kun, and set to Gary Jules’ beautiful remake of Tears For Fears’ Mad World, which was used in the movie, Donnie Darko. (Another Domo-kun site, this one explaining that when domo-kun is in a bad mood, he breaks wind.) Thanks for the Domo Darko link, Greg.
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The Kids look more gorgeous than ever. Someone please put them back on TV on a regular basis.
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If there’s anyone (after the Bush administration, of course) that deserves to be relentlessly mocked, it’s television news. Here’s a recent bit from Jon Stewart’s excellent The Daily Show that manages to kill two birds with one stone.

What America Wants…

More than 90 percent of the Turkish public opposes allowing U.S. troops to use their nation as a northern front from which to wage war on Iraq. And yet the U.S. government continues to use strong-arm tactics and financial bribery to convince the Turkish government to go against the wishes of its people.
How can the U.S. act this way and still claim to support freedom and democracy? This is only the latest (and certainly not the most egregious) in a long line of American foreign policy actions which contradicts the values America supposedly holds dear. How can Americans be surprised at the rising tide of anti-American sentiment throughout the world?
The U.S. government is certainly on a rampage when it comes to trampling the free will of sovereign peoples (Americans included) as well as trashing the remaining vestiges of good will toward America.
When exactly is it that we’ll all start feeling safe?

Skinny Bitch Causes Stampede

On the tasteless side in light of a recent club tragedy. And yet…
New Whitney remix causes stampede at gay club

NEW YORK — 34 people at Club Limelight were seriously injured in a stampede Sunday night that began when the DJ at the gay nightclub spun a popular new remix of Whitney Houston’s “Whatchulookinat.” Patrons inside the club had already filled the dance floor to capacity when, upon hearing the new mix, the crowd of over 100 people standing in line outside the club pushed past security and on to the floor as well.
“It was completely out of control. 500 Half-naked men cramming in and pushing up against each other just to dance to Whitney. All things considered, I’d do it again,” said witness Bryan Hayes.
There were boys jumping off the mezzanine level to get to the dance floor. “It was literally raining men,” quipped James Malone, another witness.

Crazy Man At The Helm

Am I missing something from abroad? Or are most Americans really just sitting back and letting the Bush administration drive America over the edge? David Ignatius uses an apt metaphor to describe the situation:
A Whale of a Mess?
by David Ignatius, Washington Post

There’s a scene in “Moby-Dick” where Captain Ahab, in his pursuit of the white whale, angrily destroys the quadrant he uses for navigation. It’s the moment when the hunt becomes irrational, leaving the ship with nothing to steer by other than the dictates of the chase itself.
The Bush administration hasn’t reached the Ahab moment yet, but it’s getting close. Over the past few weeks, the hunt for Saddam Hussein has become so intense that it has seemed almost self-destructive. The administration appears willing to sacrifice almost anything — America’s alliances, its prosperity, even the security of its citizens — in its determination to oust the Iraqi leader from power.

By many accounts, most Americans are uncomfortable with the direction our leaders are taking us. Why aren’t more voices being raised to question the mess George Bush is getting us into? Now is the time, not after it’s too late.