Category: Photos & Flicks
Bees in the Garden
Lots of bee activity in the garden. Wasps on yarrow…
And bumblebees on leek flowers…
Next Winter’s Firewood
Dan Breedlove stopped by to take down four dying fir trees. Next steps will be to buck, then haul & chop for next winter’s firewood.
Vancouver Island Roadtrip
May ended up being an excellent month to spend ten days traveling around Vancouver Island. Lucked out with weather, and crowds of people were not to be found. Covered a lot of ground – click on the image below to view pics from the trip on Flickr.
November Morning
Snowshoe Riverdance
Sailing Weekend
Nothing like jumping from an entry with a photo of snow to one of summer sailing to show my neglect of this site. One of these days I’ll be back.
In the meantime, these are photos from a sailing trip in Puget Sound, from the San Juans up to Vancouver Island over Fourth of July weekend. Taken with my new Sony Ericsson phone. The quality is pretty bad, but they look much better when shrunk down to smaller sizes.
Alaska Sun Dog
My dad snapped this beautiful photo of a sun dog in Alaska.
I took it last week on my way from Anchorage to Glennallen. It was about 20 below zero when I went over Eureka Summit just when the sun was rising over the mountains (about 11:00 a.m.). It was a cold trip. When I left Glennallen to return home the next day, it was 42 below. I guess global warming is taking a winter off.
P.S. If you want more details, I found this description on a web site:
“Sun dogs, also called mock suns, are colored, luminous spots caused by the refraction of light by six-sided ice crystals in the atmosphere. These bright spots form in the solar halo at points that are 22 degrees on either side of the sun and at the same elevation as the sun.”
Click the image for a larger view.
Looking at art through different glasses
Downhill Daredevils
A group of eight of us spent two days in Mazama (east of the Cascade Mountains) last weekend. The snow was great, as was the weather. X-country skiing the first day, and then a hike on snowshoes the second day. It’s been a while since I’ve gone cross-country skiing. For some in our group last weekend, it was the first time. The hill ended up being the highlight. Lots of laughs. Watch the movie (1.2 MB Quicktime movie).
More movies from the trip can be found in Photos & Flicks