Sean and I leave tonight for five days in the Kansai region. We’ll be traveling overnight to Osaka, where we’ll stay Saturday night. On Sunday, we head to Kyoto for two nights and three days. After that, we’ll spend one night in Nara before returning to Nagano. Two days later, we’ll be heading to the Noto peninsula (on the western coast) for a couple nights of beach camping. I’ll try to post some pictures next week after the Kansai trip.
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What will the practical application of lemon juice as an HIV-killing spermicide be?
A Temple And A Castle
We visited Zenkoji yesterday morning, and then did a hike up a hill near the city to see a reconstructed castle with a great view of Nagano.
Zenkoji, Nagano’s 1300-year-old temple, is believed to house the first image of Buddha to come to Japan. At the temple, there is a subterranean passageway containing “the key to paradise.” In order to find this key (which is more like a heavy door handle), one needs to join a line of pilgrims groping their way through the pitch-dark passageway. This is definitely an attraction that wouldn’t survive liability laws in the U.S.
Japan’s Toilet Wars
I’ve been meaning to post a picture of one of the better toilet seat control systems from Japan. In the meantime, enjoy this article:
Japanese Masters Get Closer to the Toilet Nirvana
Japan’s toilet wars started in February, when Matsushita engineers here unveiled a toilet seat equipped with electrodes that send a mild electric charge through the user’s buttocks, yielding a digital measurement of body-fat ratio.
Unimpressed, engineers from a rival company, Inax, counterattacked in April with a toilet that glows in the dark and whirs up its lid after an infrared sensor detects a human being. When in use, the toilet plays any of six soundtracks, including chirping birds, rushing water, tinkling wind chimes, or the strumming of a traditional Japanese harp.
(NOTE: New York Times articles require free registration).
More Photos
Photos of our Tokyo weekend have been posted. There are also two new movies.
The World Stinks
Reading through the local edition of the International Herald Tribune, I came across a full page “info-tisement” (the headline is shown above). What with all the world economic problems and an impending war, I had no idea there was such an urgent need for solutions in THE FRAGRANCE INDUSTRY! Tonight I will sleep better knowing so much energy and effort (from an “unprecedented cross section of experts,” no less) is being put into finding solutions for something so important to all of us.
Tokyo Weekend, New Arrival
Sean arrives in Tokyo later this afternoon. I’ll be taking the Shinkansen down to Tokyo to meet him after work tonight, and we’ll be spending a three-day weekend in the city. The typhoon seems to have cleared a path for good weather, and the forecast is for sunny skies and temperatures in the 80s. And in contrast to the oppressively hot and muggy summer temperatures in Tokyo, the air is crisp and dry this time of year. (The smog is still present, of course.)
I’m looking forward to taking some extra time off this month. We’ll be traveling to the Kyoto/Osaka/Nara area next weekend, and then likely doing a camping/kayak trip on the Sea of Japan coast the weekend after that.
Content Lock-Down
One of the prevalent arguments for using a PC instead of a Mac has always been that more people use the former. For many, joining the hordes was always seen as a good thing. But there are compelling reasons to go against the grain (fewer virus headaches, for one).
Entertainment companies are increasingly pressuring technology companies to built strict digital rights management technology into computer products. Microsoft has rushed to the forefront of tech companies bending over backwards to appease the entertainment oligarchy, at the expense of the consumer. Dan Gillmor writes in his current column that Apple is refusing to follow the pack:
The era of Digital Rights Management, commonly called DRM, is swiftly moving closer, thanks to the Intels and AMDs and Microsofts. They’re busy selling and creating the tools that give copyright holders the ability to tell users of copyrighted material — customers, scholars, libraries, etc. — precisely how they may use it. DRM, in the most typical use of the expression, is about owners’ rights. It would be more accurate to call DRM, in that context, “Digital Restrictions Management.” But Apple has taken a different tack in its rhetoric and its technology.
I’m a bit pessimistic that Apple will hold out for long, but at least for now, it’s the platform to use if you want to control your world, rather than letting the world control you.
Beware of what that next Windows update will do to your ability to manage your content as you see fit. If you’re thinking of upgrading to a new version of Windows Media Player (or any other media software), carefully read and research exactly what you’ll be getting. Chances are, something will also be taken away.
On a related note: one of the new teachers here was astonished to find that his laptop DVD player limited his ability to watch DVD movies from both Japan and the U.S. He has to make a decision to watch either one or the other — not both. So even if he legally purchases a DVD disc in Japan, and then has brought DVD discs from America, he can’t watch them both. This was one of those silent hand-outs to entertainment companies that screws the customer. And this is similar to the kinds of controls that technology companies are being pressured to add (as “features,” no less) to their products.
Laundry Day
It’s a beautiful, sunny morning. As I have coffee, I’m watching my neighbor across the street hang her bedding out in the fresh air. This is a routine for many here on nice mornings. Futons (which are much thinner and lighter than the futons in the U.S.) and quilts are hung over balconies and on laundry lines.
It’s a little strange to see so much laundry hung out to dry in Japan. At least for me, I connect this sort of image with developing countries, where dryers (and even washers) are a luxury. But although almost everyone has a washing machine here, many people still choose not to use dryers, opting instead for a natural dry. It’s been a bit of an adjustment for me. Not only does it add some more time to the laundry routine, but the clothes end up feeling not quite as soft as I’m used to (from the use of dryer sheets back home). But that slightly-starchy feeling goes away quickly once the clothes are worn. Since I don’t have access to a balcony or clothes line outside, on laundry days my tiny apartment is packed with hanging clothes and sheets, creating something of a cave environment.
Strong Winds
Japan is currently being buffeted by the strongest typhoon to hit Japan in the past 50 years. But here in Nagano, it’s been relatively calm. We’ve had a lot of rain, but that’s about it.
Most typhoons seem to track a path along the east coast of the country, and the mountains surrounding Nagano protect the area from the worst of the strong winds.
By tomorrow, the typhoon will have passed and the dry, warm air that follows will be covering most of the country.