Despite an unforgettable six weeks in southern africa, I ended up having a difficult time sharing my experiences via writing. It turned out to be much more difficult to compose essays on my phone, which was my only way of connecting for all but about a week of the trip. It shouldn’t really come as a surprise that a mobile phone is great for short bursts of communication but not optimal for composing extended journal entries. The problem isn’t so much the form of text entry since I can compose very quickly on a mobile keypad. The problem is more in the difficulty in reviewing and editing when only a tiny portion of any entry can be seen at once. I’m hoping to put together some thoughts about the trip once I’ve settled in back home, and will be posting some additional photos from my digicam (all the photos posted on Flickr during my time at Selati and during the drive were taken on my phone and posted directly from the phone to Flickr.)