On the first day of our driving tour, we took a wrong turn in the mountains heading over a dirt road pass to Swaziland, fairly quickly corrected course, but then realized we would miss the 4pm border crossing closing time. Took the road less traveled heading to another crossing a few hours south and ended up passing through beautiful mountains and valleys, with smiling people everywhere and gorgeous scenery. Passed several soccer games, young boys flying kites in the setting sun by the side of the road, workers walking home, cows and monkeys and goats, and miraculously managed to not damage our tiny VW Polo on the rough dirt roads.
Arrived at the border just before dark, misunderstood directions from a border guard and ended up driving through a small housing settlement rather than parking the car, much to everyone’s amusement. Another 45 minutes drive back north in Swaziland brought us to Phophonyane Falls Nature Reserve where we made our way through a dark, quiet forest to what seems at night like an African fairy wonderland of lit trails through the woods, tents and our beehive hut. We’ll be here two nights.