Selati Game Reserve

Selati Game Reserve, approximately 66,000 acres of land west of Kruger National Park, is a partnership between 11 families who combined their properties – mostly land that had previously been used for farming or ranching. We’re staying at the home of our hosts, Rob and Judy Snaddon, along with a handful of other guests. The daily routine is to wake up in the five o’clock hour and head out to look for wildlife by six. We climb into a modified Land Cruiser that has four rows of open air stadium-style seating, and drive the many single lane dirt roads that wind through the property. Because of the elephants, rhinos and big cats, it’s too dangerous to walk without a guide with a firearm. (The living compound is surrounded by electrified fence.) We return for lunch and co afternoon nap during the hot hours of the day, and then head back out just before sunset for several more hours. The scope and grandeur of the landscape has been difficult to capture in photos.