Kiss Prompts Talk on Tolerance

How often do you hear good news from the land of high school?

Md. H.S. Kiss Prompts Talk on Tolerance
Inspired by a high school assignment, Stephanie Haaser leaped onto a cafeteria table, shouted “End homophobia now!” and kissed classmate Katherine Pecore.
Haaser said she was making a statement on behalf of gay and lesbian students because she was bothered by the verbal and physical harassment they face.
Their principal said he respected what the heterosexual students were trying to do, but they needed to learn more appropriate ways to make a point. Haaser and Pecore were suspended for two days.
Haaser, a junior, said she chose to make the statement as part of an English class assignment, which required that she engage in a nonconformist act in the tradition of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Check out the photo of Haaser in the story — she’s straight out of Hollywood casting, today’s Sally Field as Norma Rae.