Is it true that most people who use mobile phones are unaware that the safety of the devices is still undetermined? Or, like myself, are they aware but somewhat nervously willing to gamble on the issue?
Every time I use my mobile, I feel like I’m playing with fire. I’m pretty good at limiting my time with the device directly against my head, mostly because I can actually feel physical effects with extended use.
So I tell myself I’m engaging in risk-management, that I’m taking reasonable steps towards limiting any potentially adverse health effects. And yet there is always the nagging voice that says this is not enough, that I should be staying away from the devices altogether until there is more definitive knowledge of the safety issues.
Unfortunately, that would mean waiting for someone with deep pockets to really, truly, once-and-for-all tackle the issue with sufficient research. For years, the mobile phone industry has been playing games with partial research — just enough to allow it to say the issue is still not clear, that there is no evidence that mobile phones are harmful. And the U.S. government has not truly stepped up to the bat, which is not so surprising.
Now comes news of a new, government-sponsored research project. The $10 million amount seems rather low for such an important initiative. But what’s really sad is the mention in the article that the U.S. agency responsible for mobile phone health-related issues has absolutely no money available for research.
Feds to launch $10 million investigation of cell phones, wireless technologies
By Nancy McVicar, Sun-Sentinel
Ron Melnick, a toxicologist and director of special programs at NTP [National Toxicology Program], said at least $10 million has been earmarked for the research initiative.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which has health-related jurisdiction over the phones, but no money for research, recommended the NTP get involved, Melnick said.
The entire article is worth the read for some good background, and for a reminder that skepticism is healthy, in the truest sense of the phrase when it comes to using mobile phones.