
While in Japan for the past year, I missed (well, that’s not the right word) the continued degradation of American broadcast news. I don’t have a television right now, so I haven’t been watching television news since I got home.

Last night, I caught an episode of CNN.

How sad.

It’s not even worth discussing the quality of news on television anymore. What was most shocking was how plastic and unreal it all appeared. They’ve managed to package reality in a way that is not real.

And even what used to be basic rules of good journalism are now delivered with a wink and a tittering laugh as if to say, “How silly that we have to continue with this facade!”

The moppet in the anchor chair practically exploded with enthusiasm while waving the latest edition of Time magazine before the camera — synergism at its most desperate in the AOL Time Warner kingdom. She forgot the disclaimer then, but managed to throw it in after the last segment, an in-house stroke job covering the $40 million sale of a penthouse atop the new AOL Time Warner Center in New York City. In a perfect Elle Woods moment (and I don’t mean that in a good way), she mentioned that the building in question was owned by CNN’s parent company, “but not that any of us here would ever be able to afford that apartment!”