You know you’ve become fairly acclimated to life in Japan when you come home from a night of drinking with friends and realize you’ve got a piece of squid stuck between your teeth.
Month: May 2003
A Big Ham
I haven’t posted a photo of my niece, Joni Grace, since she was born last October. She appears to love mugging for the camera, so there are plenty of good shots to choose from (the photo above was taken by her father, John). I can’t wait to see the little bugger in person for the first time next month.
New People
I’ve updated the People in Japan photo album — added new photos and changed the album design. Sooner or later, I’ll get around to updating the other albums.
No SARS Cases Reported In Japan
There’s currently a SARS scare in Japan, following the discovery that a Taiwanese doctor who visited the country was diagnosed with the disease upon his return to Taiwan. However, it appears no one who came into contact with the doctor has contracted the disease.
I hesitate to post this information for fear of alarming some, but I figure any news of this back home will just make it sound worse than it is anyway.
There are still no cases of SARS in Japan. And an incident like this continues to be a threat not only here in Asia, but in any other part of the world where people travel.
My personal risk-assessment level (on a scale of 1-10, with ten being the worst) remains around three.
Is It Really That Time Already?
I’m off to my work farewell party, my mind reeling with the thought of a year which suddenly seems to have gone by so quickly.
Pana Wave Laboratory Photos
The Mainichi Daily News has a photo gallery of the Pana Wave Laboratory cult in Japan. What’s missing from these photos is the spectacle of the media hordes that are following the group around, recording its every move. (You can catch a glimpse of a pack of cameramen in a mirror in one of the shots).
Foot Onsen
At a foot onsen (hot spring) in Suwa last month.
Political Theater
When the emperor has no clothes, stagecraft is very important.
Keepers of Bush Image Lift Stagecraft to New Heights
The New York Times on the Web
On Tuesday, at a speech promoting his economic plan in Indianapolis, White House aides went so far as to ask people in the crowd behind Mr. Bush to take off their ties, WISH-TV in Indianapolis reported, so they would look more like the ordinary folk the president said would benefit from his tax cut.
“It’s Difficult To Say How I Feel”
Who says the Japanese aren’t emotional? A friend sent me an e-mail tonight with the following string of “emoticons” included in his message:
The message itself seemed sane, but judging from the emoticons, I’d say medication is called for.
(For help deciphering these symbols, consult this deconstruction of Japanese emoticons.)