Is You Or Is You Ain’t My Baby?

Nothing like a good war to unhinge delicately balanced geo-political relationships. Let’s look at Turkey for a moment.
First, the Turkish government (apparently reacting to the wishes of their own citizens — damn that democracy!), refused entry to the American war machine. Even a generous investment package (cough, cough — multi-billion dollar bribe) wasn’t enough to sway the Turks.
In the aftermath of that giant “NO!,” the U.S. and Turkey were talking trash towards each other like cross-town cheerleading squads. At one point, following a speech by Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Turkish official commented that his country didn’t appreciate being threatened by America.
The Bush administration continues to put the screws on Turkey, hoping for a follow-up vote just in case some Turkish legislators mistakenly hit the wrong button during the first vote.
Meanwhile, the “market” is further punishing Turkey for it’s intransigence. You can’t say no to America these days without some financial repercussions (Russia and France will not be found in the oil fields of post-war Iraq).
As the U.S. tries to figure out exactly what it will take to convince Turkey to allow U.S. forces on its soil, the Kurds in Northern Iraq are looking around nervously, wondering if they will get screwed once again.
In our brave, new world, America will increasingly maintain alliances based on financial rather than legal, democratic or humanitarian values.

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