Democratic leaders strongly criticized President Bush’s handling of foreign affairs the other day. It’s a little fucking late, you worthless idiots!
Last fall, in a calculated strategy to win votes in the fall elections, Democrats were falling over themselves to support Bush’s plans to go to war. They got stomped by the Republicans, who should have sent thank you cards to Democratic strategists.
And now, days before the bombing begins, congressional Democrats think some tough talk is going to change anything? They’re just going to piss off swing voters who are more likely to fall for the whole “rally round the President” crap. And they’re sending yet another message to all but the most fanatic of Democratic supporters that the party is in shambles, unable to provide leadership when America is desperately in need of some.
Already — following President Bush’s speech yesterday — Democrats have backed off, saying they now need to give their support to their Commander-in-Chief. Wow. They gave us 24 hours of tough talk seven months late. Worthless.
Get ready for a second Bush administration.