Deliberative Polling

Joi Ito talks about deliberative polling, which tries to overcome the drawbacks of the type of polling currently practiced (whereby uninformed citizens are asked to give “shoot-from-the-hip” opinions, upon which government policy is then often based).

Larry [Lessig] pointed out some interesting work called deliberative polling being done by Professor James S. Fishkin. Since polling forces people to vote on something they don’t really know too much [about], the data may be statistically accurate, but is not necessarily the best way to promote a democratic system. Deliberative polling takes a diverse group of people, forces them to discuss the issues in small group, in large groups, small groups, over and over again for a fairly lengthy process until everyone has a pretty good idea of the issues and a balanced and educated position. Polls are conducted through the process to track how people’s opinions change. Afterwards, many of the people who have participated become much more active citizens.

This brings up interesting questions, among them whether democracy includes a citizen’s option to be lazy and uninformed. In America (and many other countries), it certainly does. But is this the best form of democracy? A strong and healthy democracy should at least provide options and structures that encourage a more active and involved population.
I’m reminded of an old Bloom County cartoon about polling that, if I had my collection here in Japan, I’d track down, scan and post along with these comments.
More on deliberative polling.