So, we have these motorcycle gangs in Nagano. They’re not dangerous, just obnoxious. These gangs consist of skinny teenage boys who ride around on souped-up noisemakers wearing surgical masks. To prove their outlaw status, they rev their motors to ear-splitting levels, run red lights and impolitely weave as they casually motor through downtown streets. They also ignore mandatory helmet laws. They’re universally detested for the noise and anti-harmony they create. But almost every night of the week, they’re out hoping to scare a little old lady or two.
Where are the police, you might ask? Word on the street is that they are under orders from national law enforcement not to chase these malcontents because to do so would be too dangerous (considering the damage caused during the LAPD’s numerous and infamous high-speed chases, this policy might have some merit). But instead of finding other creative ways to tame the boys and their bikes (talk to their mothers? grab them while they’re having a group smoke outside the convenience store?), the police merely circle the downtown area with their lights flashing (Japanese police cars always seem to have their lights flashing) in what seems to be a slow-motion and never-ending dance.
Well, tonight something changed. Along with the familiar oncoming roar of one of the bikes, a siren filled the air. Then, at relatively low speed, a bike passed, followed by a police car in lukewarm pursuit. Normally, everyone pretends to ignore the boys on bikes. But tonight, everyone turned to look at the “chase.” And the crowd reaction? Everyone laughed.
I wonder why the change? Did word come down from on high that it was finally time to start cracking down? Or did some local cop finally snap and decide he’d had enough?