Crazy Man At The Helm

Am I missing something from abroad? Or are most Americans really just sitting back and letting the Bush administration drive America over the edge? David Ignatius uses an apt metaphor to describe the situation:
A Whale of a Mess?
by David Ignatius, Washington Post

There’s a scene in “Moby-Dick” where Captain Ahab, in his pursuit of the white whale, angrily destroys the quadrant he uses for navigation. It’s the moment when the hunt becomes irrational, leaving the ship with nothing to steer by other than the dictates of the chase itself.
The Bush administration hasn’t reached the Ahab moment yet, but it’s getting close. Over the past few weeks, the hunt for Saddam Hussein has become so intense that it has seemed almost self-destructive. The administration appears willing to sacrifice almost anything — America’s alliances, its prosperity, even the security of its citizens — in its determination to oust the Iraqi leader from power.

By many accounts, most Americans are uncomfortable with the direction our leaders are taking us. Why aren’t more voices being raised to question the mess George Bush is getting us into? Now is the time, not after it’s too late.