Not What I Needed

I ventured out briefly this afternoon to see if I could find something that would soothe my throat and tame the nasty, hacking cough I’ve got. In particular, I was hoping for something that would help knock me out tonight so I could get a decent sleep.
Unfortunately, the friendly, English-speaking grandma sensei wasn’t working today at the drug store. I tried to pantomime some of my symptoms in hopes of getting what I was looking for, and was recommended a box of tablets. I should have looked more closely at the label before I left the store.
The cold remedy I came home with turns out to have caffeine in it, not so great for helping put one to sleep. On top of that, the woman who helped me gave me a freebie that she said would be good for me — an energy drink. Basically a Red Bull. The main ingredient is taurine, and it also contains caffeine and nicotine.
These are not proper ingredients to help a sick person. It seems more like a way to keep the walking dead propped up for another day of work.