My First Note

In a recent letter from my mother, she enclosed a bit of my past that she’d wisely saved for a time when I’d need some stray bit of fluff to post on a personal website.
Apparently, what you see above is the first note I ever wrote. I forgot to ask my mother if she remembers when I wrote it, but I’d guess it was when I was around eight.
What I lacked in penmanship and spelling, I made up for in sass. And I doubt I grabbed $50 from the money jar — it was more likely 50 cents.
The movie I was referring to was actually Cat Ballou, that classic western romp starring Jane Fonda and Lee Marvin. This would have been the first of several times I saw this movie when I was a child, and I loved it.
When I wrote this note, my family was living in Denali National Park in Alaska. We had no television reception in our tiny Park Service community and it was before VCRs caught on. For audio-visual entertainment during the long winter months, the community association organized movie nights (once a week on Fridays, with a repeat of the same movie on Sunday). Each family got to choose one movie each winter. This method of choosing movies ensured an interesting selection, but a bad pick one winter could leave your family the butt of jokes until the following year when another round of picks offered redemption.
The first movie I saw after my family moved to Denali was the Peter Sellers’ movie, The Party. I was seven at the time, and for weeks afterwards a friend and I would re-enact, on a snow hill, the scene at the beginning where the soldier keeps getting shot when he tries to play his bugle.

One thought on “My First Note

  1. Michael,
    You were a goofy kid! Where was this money jar that you found $50 (or 50 cents) in? I never knew that we had a “money jar” when we were growing up. Hmmmm… I guess that must be part of the deprived middle child syndrome. Anyway, I have very fond memories of the movie nights at Denali. It was fun to have the whole community gather for an event like that.

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