Thanks For The Warning, Cokie!

On today’s Morning Edition, NPR called Cokie Roberts to get her take on John Kerry’s announcement that he is, um, like, really, really serious about running for President (“Hello, anyone listening?”). Her take?

“The last liberal Democrat from Massachusetts who ran for President was Michael Dukakis, and we know what happened to him.”

She also dredged up a comparison from even further back in the political past:

“The last Democrat who did that was George McGovern.”

Wow. Scary stuff. Thanks for the tips, Cokie!
(Not that Kerry has any chance whatsoever of being elected President.)

Early Radio Days

Back in the summer of 1988, I was living in Juneau, Alaska. I’d just finished working as a page in the Alaska Senate during the five-month legislative session, and had decided to stay in Juneau for the summer before returning to college in the fall.
I was working as a tour guide at the state capitol, but my heart was in the hours I spent at the local public radio station as a news intern. I was doing production work for the local bits of Morning Edition, and trying my hand at reporting. Here’s a story I did:
Juneau Salmon Derby (990kb MP3)
(Not quite sure what’s up with my voice. I think I was searching for a good radio voice. It sounds a little strange, slightly modulated.)
My favorite production task was choosing the short music clips that filled space between story blocks. The station had a huge collection of LPs, and I spent many a late night discovering new music and searching for that perfect clip.