9 thoughts on “The Rawhide Kid

  1. I think his name says it all . . . and if the name’s not enough, there’s the delicate pursing of the lips and the hot cowboy outfit. Where was this rolemodel when I was a young gay cowboy?

  2. “…the tone may be campy.” i suppose it’s nearly impossible to make a gay cowboy comic un-campy, but- wait a minute, where is that cowboy’s other hand?

  3. Where will I be able to purchase the new(first) issue of the (gay) Rawhide Kid? At any comic book shop? What date will it be available? Any info would be appreciated – Thanks, W.

  4. Okay, I can’t wait to read the “new” Rawhide Kid. I’m glad there is a gay character…and a lead one at that! I don’t believe the book will offend me as a gay man. I hope this book is well received and that Marvel continues the series!

  5. Just called Marvel, and was told they don’t offer subscription to Rawhide Kid. You have to get it on the stands. Bad move on their part. Sounds a bit homophobic.

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