Music For Prison

I had iTunes on random last night; it was trolling the entire collection for tunes (with the exception of songs from my generously-defined trance genre—jumping from Billie Holiday to club music? I don’t think so).
I don’t normally listen to music this way in iTunes. If I had the newer, OSX version, with its Smart Playlists feature, I’d do random more often (although it wouldn’t really be truly random with the Smart Playlists, would it?).
I brought about 4,000 songs along with me to Japan—that’s where my 30GB hard drive max’d out. This allows for a fairly large library from which to pluck random songs. And it’s amazing the things I’ve forgotten I had. Barbra Streisand singing The Love Theme from “The Main Event”? That obviously came from those glory days of the Napster smorgasbord.
Ah… What a time. And what perfect timing—getting laid off from a dot-com, with a small severance package and unemployment benefits inflated from the ridiculous salary I’d been getting from said dot-com, and an endless library of songs to be downloaded. Free time, free music. Oink, oink.
I was obviously delirious when I decided I needed to build a Barbra library. Most of my time was spent looking for MP3 versions of the hundreds of cassette albums I was carrying around from the 80s. Am I really supposed to pay for the same music again just to upgrade hardware? Yes, I know… I am.
Anyway, laying in bed last night listening to random music from a large song library, I wondered which music I’d choose to take with me if I were carted off to jail for stealing so much of it. The RIAA, generous souls that they are, would allow me to take a handful of albums (good old fashioned CDs, of course—and I’d have to pay the $21.99 retail price for each) to help me spend those lonely hours in the clink.
My “handful” would include twenty albums, and this is the list I came up with last night. I did this in about ten minutes, so I’m sure this list is going to need revisions in the future. But these are some of the albums I’ve enjoyed over and over, and which stick out in my mind as “must have” if had to get rid of all the rest.
Chameleons UK – Strange Times
Blade Runner Soundtrack
Kid Loco – DJ Kicks
Miles Davis – In A Silent Way
DJ Phil B – Music For Clubs
Brian Eno – Music For Airports
Everything But The Girl – Walking Wounded
Dusty Springfield – Dusty In Memphis
The The – Mind Bomb
Dolly Parton – Little Sparrow
Massive Attack vs. The Mad Professor – No Protection
Peter Gabriel – Passion
Nick Drake – Pink Moon
Talvin Singh – Soundz Of The Asian Underground
Personal ABBA mix
American Beauty Soundtrack
Beck – Sea Change
Roxy Music – Avalon
Emmylou Harris – Wrecking Ball
Ella Fitzgerald – The Intimate Ella
Note: I paid for every one of these albums except for the Nick Drake one.