For the past couple days, I’ve been trying to put together some thoughts on how I’m glad to be outside of the United States as the commemoration of Sept. 11 passes. I’m relieved to be spared the barrage of an American media spectacle, especially when that spectacle is presented as if it were restrained and solemn. It’s been nice to be somewhere where any observances are more restrained, and are not packaged into entertainment passed off as news. It’s not that there hasn’t been extensive coverage of the anniversary here in Japan, but it’s nothing like what Americans are being subjected to. And the language barrier makes it easier to miss all the noise.
Just about everyone involved in the media industry in the United States means well, of course. But the nature of our entertainment-saturated society means restraint is just a lowering of the volume from 10 to 9, and a time for talking heads to put on even more comically serious faces.
Remembering the terrorist attacks and reflecting on them outside of the bubble of American culture has been a relief.
A couple related editorials:
The Onion
The New Yorker