I hate to admit how often I have to fall back on the “better late than never” sentiment when it comes to many of the things I do. But once again, here it is…
Presenting — three months after arriving in Japan — my blog, and associated info about my life. The main inspiration for doing this has been to share my adventures in Japan with family and friends back home. But I’ve also been wanting to give my website an overhaul (providing a more personal focus) and am also hoping for an outlet to stimulate some regular bouts of writing.
At the time of this post, I’m far from finished building and tweaking the site. I’m still muddling my way through learning how to work with Movable Type code and other elements of the redesigned site. Bear with me if you run across any rough edges. Please send me e-mail if you have any comments or are experiencing any compatibility issues.
Leave comments by clicking on the “Add or View Comments” link below each entry. If you have a general comment, you’ll still need to pick an entry to comment on — I hope to have a general guestbook built at some point. Only a name is required to leave a comment. But if you’d like to leave an e-mail address, it will be encoded to protect it from spam (if you have questions about what this means, send me e-mail).