Disturbing Virtual Reality
I’ve been waking up recently and turning on All Things Considered before falling back asleep for half an hour or so. I drift in and out of sleep during this time, catching some of the news when awake. And, it seems, while I’m asleep.
This morning I had a vivid dream that I was looking at a wide-format, wall-sized photograph of Kenya, with a bombed-out hotel on one side and a low-flying jetliner on the other side. Someone was pointing out to me the missiles that were captured in this photo, just missing the jetliner. I was very angry. And then, still in the dream, the room and the photograph dissolved into reality, and I was seeing the events in real time.
When I woke up, an NPR reporter in Mombasa was describing the current situation in Kenya, and the reaction to the terrorist attacks.
Music For Prison
I had iTunes on random last night; it was trolling the entire collection for tunes (with the exception of songs from my generously-defined trance genre—jumping from Billie Holiday to club music? I don’t think so).
I don’t normally listen to music this way in iTunes. If I had the newer, OSX version, with its Smart Playlists feature, I’d do random more often (although it wouldn’t really be truly random with the Smart Playlists, would it?).
I brought about 4,000 songs along with me to Japan—that’s where my 30GB hard drive max’d out. This allows for a fairly large library from which to pluck random songs. And it’s amazing the things I’ve forgotten I had. Barbra Streisand singing The Love Theme from “The Main Event”? That obviously came from those glory days of the Napster smorgasbord.
Ah… What a time. And what perfect timing—getting laid off from a dot-com, with a small severance package and unemployment benefits inflated from the ridiculous salary I’d been getting from said dot-com, and an endless library of songs to be downloaded. Free time, free music. Oink, oink.
I was obviously delirious when I decided I needed to build a Barbra library. Most of my time was spent looking for MP3 versions of the hundreds of cassette albums I was carrying around from the 80s. Am I really supposed to pay for the same music again just to upgrade hardware? Yes, I know… I am.
Anyway, laying in bed last night listening to random music from a large song library, I wondered which music I’d choose to take with me if I were carted off to jail for stealing so much of it. The RIAA, generous souls that they are, would allow me to take a handful of albums (good old fashioned CDs, of course—and I’d have to pay the $21.99 retail price for each) to help me spend those lonely hours in the clink.
My “handful” would include twenty albums, and this is the list I came up with last night. I did this in about ten minutes, so I’m sure this list is going to need revisions in the future. But these are some of the albums I’ve enjoyed over and over, and which stick out in my mind as “must have” if had to get rid of all the rest.
Chameleons UK - Strange Times
Blade Runner Soundtrack
Kid Loco - DJ Kicks
Miles Davis - In A Silent Way
DJ Phil B - Music For Clubs
Brian Eno - Music For Airports
Everything But The Girl - Walking Wounded
Dusty Springfield - Dusty In Memphis
The The - Mind Bomb
Dolly Parton - Little Sparrow
Massive Attack vs. The Mad Professor - No Protection
Peter Gabriel - Passion
Nick Drake - Pink Moon
Talvin Singh - Soundz Of The Asian Underground
Personal ABBA mix
American Beauty Soundtrack
Beck - Sea Change
Roxy Music - Avalon
Emmylou Harris - Wrecking Ball
Ella Fitzgerald - The Intimate Ella
Note: I paid for every one of these albums except for the Nick Drake one.
Google Live Query
Interesting article in the New York Times on Google’s Live Query, which displays real-time search requests from around the world. The result is a worldwide stream of collective consciousness.
Buried on the second page of the article is this mention of the darker side of Google—it knows who you are:
Searches are logged by time of day, originating I.P. address (information that can be used to link searches to a specific computer), and the sites on which the user clicked. People tell things to search engines that they would never talk about publicly - Viagra, pregnancy scares, fraud, face lifts. What is interesting in the aggregate can be seem an invasion of privacy if narrowed to an individual.
The Fox Is Back In The Henhouse
Bush has appointed Henry Kissenger to investigate alleged U.S. intelligence failures leading up to the Sept. 11 attacks. Appointing Kissenger to uncover “the facts” is a cruel, sick joke. The only facts Kissenger has respect for are the ones he manufactures or manipulates.
The Latest Kissinger Outrage
Kissinger’s Back
The Case Against Henry Kissinger
Such a clumsy, transparent attempt to rig the outcome of this investigation is a sign that the Bush administration is confident enough in its powers to disregard the need for subtlety. Notice, also, the timing of the appointment—the day before Thanksgiving, when interest in news is at a low point.
If the Democratic Party doesn’t forcefully challenge this, they aren’t merely asleep at the wheel, they’re dead.
On heavy rotation in my aural world these days is Beck’s new album, Sea Change. Exceptional, and highly recommended.
Silent Running & Solaris
Images from the just-released film, Solaris remind me of Silent Running, one of the first sci-fi movies I ever saw. I must have been around 10 years old, and was enthralled despite the fact that it’s a fairly boring movie.
Judging from reviews for Solaris, the two movies sound similar in their spare aesthetic. Neither of these movies are from the Star Wars or Starship Troopers branch of science fiction.
Silent Running, for those who don’t remember this gem from the 70s, starred Bruce Dern as a botanist aboard an enormous spaceship filled with plants. The ship, one of series a botanical “Noah’s Arks,” contains remnants of the last surviving forest from Earth. Conflict among the small crew leaves Dern the only human aboard.
To say that not much happens during the movie is being generous. But something about it stuck in my head and has never left. As a child, being lost in space with robot friends and lush gardens seemed a lot more romantic than it does today. These days, I know I’d get lonely fairly quickly. I’d still want to go for the ride, but couldn’t I bring some friends? Ones that won’t go insane, preferably.
This Is Not Progress
Adam Greenfield of v-2.org offers his observations on the state of Japanese design and aesthetic:
The Japan That Should Say NoWhere Japanese culture used to be expert at finding the one element in a situation that bore psychological meaning, at manipulating the tension between what is made explicit and what is left unsaid, it now contents itself with wallowing in the banal.
This is as true of technology (and associated domains like information design) as it is of, say, J-pop. As recently as the 1960s, Japan produced as a matter of course train schedules, tourist maps, and newspaper weather reports so carefully devised that master information designer Edward Tufte chose them as particularly exquisite examples of the use of line and color to carry data.
Similarly, up until the 1980s, Japanese technology led the world in simplification, miniaturization - refinement. More recently, manufacturers seem engaged in a race to bombard the user with the most extraneous features. It’s trumpeted as innovative when the new model keitai comes with interchangeable faceplates.
Like I say: banal.
During my brief time in Japan, I haven’t seen a lot to dispute his observations. Take my mobile phone, for example…
Short Films
Hollywood movies generally show up in Japan three to six months after they are released in the States. And then they are shown at expensive theaters where your ticket doesn’t even guarantee you a seat. If you happen to live, as I do, in a slightly sleepy city in the mountains, that expensive ticket doesn’t even get you a decent venue. All this helps explain why I’ve only seen one film in a theater in the six months I’ve been here.
If I can’t see the movies, though, I’m not going to miss the trailers. Every once in a while, I’ll spend a good chunk of time on Apple’s “Trailers” site, perusing the movies I won’t be seeing at a theatre near me soon.
I watched a batch of trailers last night, and…
I hate it that I’ll be missing Almodovar’s new movie, Talk to Her. Even if it’s released here in Japan during my stay, the subtitles will be in Japanese rather than in English.
There’s an art to making a good trailer, though the talentless advertising hacks in charge usually screw it up. Case in point: The Hours. Watch this trailer and tell me that, towards the end, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be one of those bad Michael Douglas suspense movies. Please, please, please let the movie be better than this trailer makes it out to be.
Ben Affleck as Daredevil? They’ll have to change the tag line from “The man without fear” to “The man without charisma.” Click below to see a real superhero.
Full-Body Scans
A Kyoto company offered full-body scans at the Tokyo Game Show recently. This site collects the results.
I want one. Looks well worth the approximately US $18.
Scroll all the way through; there are some great scans at the end, including one of a woman who doesn’t need a push-up bra.
Ebisuko Fireworks
There was a huge fireworks display last night in Nagano. It lasted for two hours. Two hours!
This is something of an anomaly in Japan, where most fireworks displays are held in the summer or autumn. This annual, late-November display has developed into something of a showcase for fireworks artisans, allowing them to preview next season’s displays and new techniques.
Crowds of people huddled in the cold near the large river that runs through Nagano, watching the fireworks and enjoying food and warm sake provided by the scores of vendors.
Comic Book Geek
When I posted the entry earlier this week on news articles touting the respectability of comic books, I must have been brain dead to forget my personal involvement in just such an endeavor.
In 1987, at the tender age of 18, I had my first-ever published article. It was a piece on comic book censorship, and it ran in the local daily in Kenai, Alaska, along with an article called “The Evolution of Comic Books.” I was the featured “expert” in the “Evolution” article, which was accompanied by a picture that to this day I’m embarrassed to see.
Re-reading my article, I’m pleasantly surprised at the quality (and by this I mean it doesn’t suck). Was I really only 18? Then I re-read the article in which I’m interviewed and come across this:
“Superman has been pretty much redone. He not as powerful, no romance with Lois… He’s more of a yuppie than he used to be,” Gerhard said.
Groan… And this proved comics were becoming more respectable? Well, it was the 80s and I was just a boy.
For the amusement of all, I’m posting both articles here.
Don't Make Us Make More Crappy Movies
As if his recent movies weren’t proof enough, George Lucas offers the following, showing he needs emergency remedial education in both metaphors and logic:
Star Wars Creator Calls for Attack on Piracy“I am begging for co-operation. There are unintended consequences of piracy. If piracy is not stopped, the rainforest of the entertainment business ecosystem will collapse. I am pleading for the creative people in this industry,” he said.
Mr. Lucas warned that piracy threatened to reduce the movie industry’s revenues, forcing film corporations to concentrate on blockbusters, rather than also investing in smaller art movies.
Rainforest? Ecosystem? Give me a break.
And correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the film industry already concentrating on blockbusters? And isn’t that due more to the success of blockbusters created by Lucas and Steven Spielberg (who lends his voice to Lucas’ plea) rather than to piracy? This is the film industry holding a gun to the head of movies they already don’t like to make and telling viewers, “Don’t make me shoot her.”
Fall Pics
I’ve posted some new photos, from a bike ride and hike I did last Sunday. They show some of the nice fall colors we have now in Nagano.
Stop Trying So Hard
I can’t count the number of times over the years I’ve read news articles along the lines of, “Guess what! Comic books are serious art!” Here’s another one.
Inevitably, these articles always present a laundry list of serious issues ripped from the headlines of the day that are dealt with in current comic books. Inevitably, reading this list always makes me think, god that sounds boring.
In my mind, comics—like so many other forms of art—are at their worst when they consciously try to be serious and earnest. The magic of comics has always been found in unexpected places and in surprising forms. Alcoholism, sexual-identity crises, drug addiction, abusive childhood, terrorism? Including these issues within stories is not a bad thing, per say. But it shouldn’t be the main focus.
There are exceptions, of course. The astonishing Maus always tops that list. But when you try to mix, say, Green Lantern and the serious issues of the day, the effect comes off as kind of sad and comical, or a lot like a lecture from Tipper Gore.
I wish the comic book world would stop craving mainstream legitimacy and go right on creating worlds of wonder for those who know where to look.
Cokie Contemptus
I can’t stand Cokie Roberts. For me, she personifies the world of snobby, know-it-all Washington punditry. Raised a D.C. political brat, she is now a pampered Washington insider who can’t see issues except through myopic Beltway lenses.
The tone of her commentaries oozes with contempt for her audience as she regurgitates the conventional thinking of Washington’s elites. She offers nothing new, only a bored, haughty recitation of the court whisper.
A low point in journalism—and the period when I became somewhat embarrassed to tell people I’d studied the craft in college—came back when ABC News paired Roberts with Sam Donaldson for its Sunday morning show, This Week.
For an example of Roberts’ thinking, read this column, written with her husband back in 1997, wherein they argue that the internet could become a threat to representative democracy—by giving more power to the people. Horrors!
“If you’re on-line, you’re inside the Beltway,” in the opinion of Graeme Browning, author of the book Electronic Democracy, which argues that the Internet is making individuals more politically powerful. Sounds good, but is it?
Cokie doesn’t want to hear from you. She just wants to keep pontificating from her comfortable perch. Someone get her off of NPR.
My Bank Is Sooooooo Cute
This, dear friends, is my bank card. Let me emphatically state that I did not specifically request this design. Believe it or not, this is a general issue card design. And it’s from the largest bank in Nagano Prefecture. Only in Japan. I feel self-conscious every time I take it out to get cash from an ATM.
That said, my favorite character is the cross-eyed owl in the background (not so clearly seen in this photo). Obviously, he’s been shunned by the group and is no longer allowed to join in their silly reindeer games and shameless mugging. He’ll just have to learn to get along with the happy homosexual fish back in his neck of the woods.
Mustle-Bound, Yet Refined
Here it is, spelled out (not entirely accurately) on a farmer’s Toyota in rural Japan—what every gay man in an expensive SUV is really trying to say.
Featured Food - Yogurt
It’s always an adventure trying to figure out exactly what you’re buying in Japan. Modern packaging provides many visual clues, which is what I rely on most of the time.
Case in point: yogurt. Take a look at the picture above and tell me the yogurt on the left doesn’t look like the healthy version. This is no heavily-sweetened, high-fat “dessert” yogurt. That would have pastel berry colors and cute little animals buzzed up on sugar.
Plus, I can actually read the large katakana word here—it says “na-chu-re” (that would be “natural”). And there’s a little icon of a human jumping into the air, full of vim and vigor. Finally, there are some unknown additives presented in a style which says to me, “Good for you!”, and which I can only hope remain in the “nachure” realm.
Do you like how I’ve art directed this shot? I arranged all the healthiest foods in my fridge for a snapshot of wholesome eating. Let’s just hope I use that broccoli before it goes bad.
Let's Look At Engrish!
Mangled English provides many an entertaining moment here in Japan, as noted recently. I’ve lost count of the t-shirts I’ve wanted to photograph (but never do for fear of the reputation I’d get as the foreigner who takes pictures of the backsides of young girls).
Tonight I stumbled upon a site that lets you enjoy “Engrish” from afar. Let’s enjoy the spirited feeling that rises from seeing Engrish.com.
I can only hope to mangle Japanese in such an unintentionally fabulous way some day.
Teaching English to the Undead
It was horrible. Three young, female zombies trooped into my classroom tonight and sat down, expecting me to teach them English. They couldn’t have been more than sixteen. By all outward appearances, they looked like a trio of Japanese pixies. Only their dead silence and eyelids that drooped to their knees exposed them for what they were.
Horrified though I was, I took a deep breath and decided to give it a try.
Today’s lesson: Give a speech about your morning. “I get up around 6:00.” (That’s something these zombies can relate to, I thought.) “I brush my teeth. After that, I eat breakfast.” Simple stuff. Or so I thought.
Thirty minutes in and we’re still on drills. Their insidious droning was a narcotic, and I had to fight to stay awake.
Me: “Repeat after me. ‘I get up around 6:00.’”
Them: “I.….….. get.….….. up.….…. around.….….. 6:00.”
Me: “Great! Excellent! Okay, again. Repeat after me: ‘I get up around 6:00.’”
Them: “I.….….. get.….….. up.….…. around.….….. 6:00.”
This went on and on and on and—you get the picture. Teaching English can be so exciting!
Butchered English 01
I saw this printed on an ashtray:
Ashtraies are coming up in a more fashionable and characteristic style now many different shapes—full of ideas it’s a spice to make your life more fashionable with good sense of living.
I spent last weekend in Tokyo, with a side-trip down to Yokohama on Sunday to inspect and photograph a sailboat as a favor for a friend. I left Nagano Saturday mid-day as it was starting to snow. The weather in Tokyo, on the other hand, was excellent.
Saturday afternoon I wandered around Aoyama, where my grandparents lived in the 1930s. I found the neighborhood where they lived and tried to find their address (the house would have been long gone by now), but their actual address no longer exists.
Japanese addresses are notoriously hard to find. Cities are sub-divided into wards, then districts, then neighborhoods, then blocks, then non-sequential houses. There are no street addresses. Finding a specific place usually takes some wandering.
Bah Humbug
It’s early November, and Japan is already gearing up to celebrate the birth of Christ.
No, wait—that’s not right.
Try again.
It’s early November, and Japan is already gearing up to pray at the church of rampant consumerism.
Christian missionaries—my great-grandparents included—failed to sell Christ here (Japan’s Christians make up only one percent of the total population—good for them, I say), but the Japanese sure converted to capitalism with mind-boggling zeal. Even in the midst of a decade-long recession, shopping remains a favorite pastime, almost a religion unto itself. And modern-day Christmas fits right into the shop-till-you-drop ethos found here.
In Tokyo this past weekend, I saw a tree-lighting ceremony in Ginza. It was November 9! This is insane. Something needs to be done to stop the shopping juggernaut that is Christmas. At this rate, it’ll only be a decade or so before this increasingly inane holiday gobbles up the whole year.
Loora Toora Loo Rye Aye
This morning on KCRW, they played Come On Eileen by Dexy’s Midnight Runners. It’s one of those songs that brings back memories of the early days of MTV.
I remember watching the “Eileen” video many times. I was in high school and living in Denali National Park in Alaska at the time. This was before our small community had television reception, let alone cable. So our friends in a nearby town—which did get television and cable—would tape MTV on video and we’d watch that. Over and over. And over.
I Love Grapefruit Super Chu-Hi
For the Morning After
While standing in line at the grocery today, I noticed a new display of supplements with cool graphics. Each supplement is meant for boosting the body under different conditions, illustrated with the stick figures on the front of the packaging. Then my eye caught one in particular (above in the foreground). It seems there’s help for those who like to smoke and drink to excess. I don’t know what he’s saying, but I’m sure if he had a face there’d be a big smile on it.
P.S. Certain friends (who will remain nameless) should expect a case of these as a Christmas present this year.
Hot Mama
I really wanted to take a picture of the old woman who came to the gym today wearing a maroon velour shirt and tastefully matched maroon leather pants.
Teaching... HTML?
This week at my school there are no regular classes. Instead, we’re teaching a combination of demonstration classes and special interest classes.
The demonstration classes are part of our fall “Self-Study Campaign,” which encourages students to purchase additional materials to study at home. This helps make money for the company and assists students in their studies. It’s not such a bad thing; I’m lucky to work at a school that doesn’t really push a lot of the business and hard-sell responsibility on teachers. The self-study materials end up selling themselves to those students who are interested in doing more studying outside of class, which is always important.
We’re also teaching special interest classes this week, which is really just a way of saying we can teach whatever the hell we want. “Come up with something interesting,” they told us. I must not have heard the “interesting” part, because I decided to teach HTML. “Building a Web Page,” I called it. “HTML is a language like English or Japanese, but it communicates with web browsers.”
Surprisingly, people signed up.
Regime Change... (never mind)
With headlines like these, I might not be coming home:
G.O.P. Retakes Control of the Senate In a Show of Presidential InfluenceRepublicans Also Hold House to Help Bush’s Legislative Agenda
Republican wins Minnesota’s Senate seat two weeks after the death of Sen. Wellstone.
Savoring Victory, G.O.P. Sets Agenda on Taxes, Judges and Security
First Snow?
There has already been snow at higher elevations, but we haven’t seen any in Nagano yet. Maybe tonight?
It’s still a bit of a shock to see little old ladies wandering through men’s bathrooms and locker rooms on cleaning duty. I came face-to-face with one in full monty mode (me, not her) in the locker room at my gym the other day. I had to work to be nonchalant about it.
I'm No Steve Perry
This was my attempt to sing Journey’s Separate Ways. I can’t even begin to describe how bad it was. The other song I was coerced into singing is far too embarrassing to name. (It was a Disney duet.)
The evening of karaoke was last week, when a group of teachers from my school went out after work for drinks and pub food. We had a small, private room with a karaoke setup. The head teacher took this photo with her mobile phone. The other guy in the picture is Jason, one of the other two foreign teachers at the school. He was trying to provide backup.
Well, 'Real Sex' Is A Good Show
This is how a conversation between the C.E.O. of CBS, the president of NBC Entertainment and the chairman of HBO—imagining a perfect TV schedule—begins:
Jeff Zucker: You’re really tan.Leslie Moonves: You know what? I haven’t gone away. I have a place in Malibu, and I tan very fast. So--.
Zucker: He’s really tan.
Moonves: Thank you. It’s that Bob Evans look.
The conversation is ultimately tragic, but has its hilarious moments. Some additional highlights:
Zucker: I might have a lot of crazy, wacky ideas, but the best ideas actually walk in the door. - - - - - - - -Chris Albrecht: I don’t do anything on a show. I don’t write a show. I don’t direct a show. I don’t produce a show. I don’t act in a show. I don’t edit a show. So my idea of a show is almost sort of useless. I don’t do anything.
- - - - - - - -
Zucker: You know, you never say that HBO’s most successful show is “G-String Divas.”
Albrecht: “G-String Divas” is not our most successful show.
Zucker: Oh, come on.
Albrecht: It actually didn’t get nearly the ratings I thought it would. “Real Sex” gets great ratings.
Moonves: Well, “Real Sex” is a good show.
Sunday Night On The Town
Went to a club tonight for a night of DJs and bands. It was a small hole-in-the-wall, like so many local clubs. Cover charge was ¥1500 (about $12), and included one drink, which the bartender made into a quadruple. As he was pouring, he lost his balance and fell, luckily, onto the chair behind the small bar. Exuberance or inebriation? It was hard to tell.
Seiyu Jingle
The closest grocery is just a block away from my apartment here in Nagano. Although it’s part of the large Seiyu chain, this particular store is kind of crummy. It’s small and the selection isn’t great. The atmosphere is just this side of seedy. I go there often because it’s convenient, but I’m never entirely happy about the experience.
Tops on my list of complaints is the aural cacophony one is assaulted with while shopping. There are at least three different soundtracks playing at once, on top of the constant refrains of “Irasshai mase!” (roughly translated: “welcome to our establishment”) any time you pass an employee. One soundtrack in particular—the loudest of them all—drives me crazy, and I’m including it here so you can decide for yourself whether I’m justifiably irritated or just a crank:
Seiyu Jingle (350k MP3)
Two days a week at Seiyu—on Tuesdays and Thursdays—the store has ¥100 days, where select merchandise is marked down to the low, low price of ¥100. On these days, the store turns into a sort of video game, where the object is to negotiate one’s way through swarms of tiny grandmothers erratically and veeeerrrrrry slowly pushing their carts down the isles. On these days, the Seiyu Jingle turns into a an apt accompaniment to a cousin of that classic vid game, Frogger.
Mechanical Menaces
More than a decade ago, while I was visiting Prague in what was then still Czechoslovakia, I was thrilled to find escalators that whisked people along at speeds at least twice as fast as those found in the U.S. Shooting up from the depths of the subway system, I always visualized riders being launched into the air at the top, like human cannonballs. That’s my kind of escalator.
Of course, high speed escalators don’t fly in safety-conscious (and litigious) America. Nor are they found in Japan. But other mechanized dangers do lurk in the land of the rising sun.
Take automatic sliding doors and elevator doors. In this country, the former petulantly refuse to open until you’ve come full stop about two inches from the door. The latter, on the other hand, should be nicknamed the “jaws of death.”
No elevator I’ve ever ridden on here has had an electric eye to stop the closing of the doors if a person steps between them. So the only thing stopping the doors once they’ve started closing is a warm body (or, if you’re lucky, a quick button-pusher who’s already made it safely inside).
Automatic sliding doors are a danger of another sort. There’s no walking into a building without breaking your pace, no Starship Enterprise “whooosh” as a door slides quickly open. It’s more like a border crossing where you have to stop and show your passport. I remember an incident in Japan when my family (including my grandparents) visited in 1981. My grandfather walked right into a glass door, mashing his nose in the process. Whether it was because he expected it to open or because he didn’t see the door I don’t remember. But I think of that incident every time I find my nose bushing against a door that should have opened five seconds earlier. I’ve taken to waving my hand in front of me in an effort to trigger the door just a moment earlier, which must make me look slightly batty—another crazy foreigner.
Doubleplusgood Ad Campaign
The “Secure Beneath Watchful Eyes” image is from a campaign in London that’s meant to make people feel safe while using the public bus system.
How could anyone not have known the image would be more worrying than it is comforting?
Judge Kollar-Kotelly, aka Janeway
This is a photo of Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, who has blessed the slap-on-the-wrist settlement between the Justice Department and Microsoft.
Something about this photo strikes me as slightly bizarre. I think she may really be Captain Janeway in one of those space-time continuum episodes, where she’s aged and returned to 21st century earth to intervene in a major legal battle that has repercussions for the future of the Federation. Okay, you’ve done your dirty deed, Janeway—time to go back to the future and to the far reaches of the Delta Quadrant.
I never did like Voyager…
"It Blows"
Madonna’s publicist:
"It’s a public hanging by the critics, an assassination," an indignant Rosenberg said earlier this week. "Give the girl a break already! Stop being so mean!"